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The End Time Army

Updated: May 25, 2020

This is my New  Declaration. I declare with the power of God, this will be a season of Building an end time Army of Believers, that act in unity, love one another, reaches out to the lost world, and uses the Gift of the Holy Spirit to plant churches, fellowships, ministries, and outreaches. It is time for the 5-fold ministries to rise up...and do the work they are called to by building up the body of Christ to reach the world! It time for the Apostolic and Prophetic evangelists, pastors, and teachers to rise up and fulfill their calling. We need powerful men and woman of God to take their place in History and do what God has laid on their hearts. You are that powerful man and woman. Let God remove the fear, so you can do the work of the ministry God has called you to do. The call is for the average Christian. It is time to build an Army! It's time to build an end time Army. Joel 2:28 "I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Sons and daughters shall prophecy, old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions". These are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit moving for Today! We need more power and less organization. Zechariah 4:6 "Not by Power or by might by by my Spirit Says the Lord."  God is calling me do this ministry. It starts now! God spoke to me many years ago when I was working under Morris Cerullo, an American prophet and evangelist, that I was to Build God's Army like it states in Joel 2. 

We are to build an End-Time Army of believers to reach their Destiny and fulfill their calling as the 5-fold ministries as stated in Ephesians 11-13. The Gifts of the Spirit did not pass away with the 12 did not pass away in the Charismatic movement...nor did it pass away with the modern church that does not want Gifts of the Spirit in operation because they are too messy and hard to control!! No!! No!! God is still alive, doing miracles through Gifts of the Spirit of all kinds. I declare Gifts to be released in Christian believers in Jesus name! This is the season. 

My wife and I are going to be actively teaching, training and releasing those gifts in believers this year. We need to do ministry differently! Blow the trumpet in Zion...sound the alarm in my Holy mountain -- Joel 2. We need to stop messing around and get to business. It is the Latter Rain...not the out of balance movement in the 30's and 40's...but the prophetic last days outpouring of the Holy Ghost shortly before Jesus is to return for the main purpose to bring in a final Harvest of Souls. It truly is a Harvest time with latter rain to make the crops grow big for the final Harvest of lost souls coming to Jesus. This is our main purpose of being the Body of reach the lost souls in darkness. Our purpose is not to merely meet together for fellowship, but to Go in to all the world to preach the Gospel to all people in all ways! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God - Jesus! 

(Isaiah 43:18-19) "Church...Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new things! Now it shall spring up: do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert, and streams in the wasteland." It's Harvest time. We are planting a new Faith community in the near future we are called Destiny Outreach Church.....this is our vision to plant churches, ministries, home bible studies, outreach ministries, community outreaches, compassion ministries for one use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to reach lost souls, train believers and bring in the Last Days, End Time, Latter Rain, Holy Spirit anointed Harvest. 

I believe Jesus is coming soon! Lets all get ready for His return. Do what God has called you to do and don't let anyone or anything stop you! I love you and am praying for all my friends and family in this new season!

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