Don't wait for somedays. The church people ussually say someday, well someday, healings will take place. someday revival will come, someday, someday will never come. The word states that Today is the Day of Salvation, that means today is the day for revival! Don't every say someday in the Spiritual relm its always today. Don't wait for a special day. it's harvest time, a time to recieve from the Lord. The picture above is a message I started preaching many years ago. That now is the time!! Today is the day. I still preach this truth today. Its Harvest Time... John 4:35-36 Traveling and jail ministry teams Real Life Ministry 1982-1996....I was associate evangelist and chaplain for 13 years in Fargo ND with Louie Sande and Juli Kay Paul and Michelle Pearson Keith Pettie and Angela May Bjorklund and Ashley Many many unbelievable miracles happened during this ministry team, in Clay County Jail, South Moorhead Mn in the gang area, street outreaches, Faith Miracle Rescue Mission, Fort Totten and White Earth Reservations, Detroit Lakes area, downtown Fargo ND, Cornerstone Coffee House, Rainbow CoffeeHouse Crookston Mn., music festivals, hundreds saved, healed body's delivered from drug and alcohol addiction....Christians trained discipled mentored in our Wednesday night School of ministry....so many miracles that could never be told... To God be all the Glory... because it was not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord what he has done he will continue to do today is our day of miracle as I've been preaching for almost 40 years get out of the church and start reaching a lost and Dying World with the Gospel of Jesus Christ while we still have time. The mission has not changed John 16 go into all the world to preach the Gospel to all Nations... Don't say let's wait there's plenty of time for ministry Look out the gospel fields they are ripe ready for Harvest.... it's harvest time now! Time to take the good news to your town and county.