The Rusty Prophets August 10 2021
Isaiah 52:1,2,7,8 Destiny Outreach Mission Base
How do you get to join the “Rusty Prophet” club?
1. When you say all the time, I remember the old days when…..Isaiah 43:18,19
2. When you only give testimonies that are 10, 20 30, years old. What’s happening now.
3. You only see same people at fellowship, studies, meetings, conferences, or church.
4. When haven’t you multiplied? Mentored, coached released into ministry new people.
5. Dreaming about the “Big” meetings, revivals, but not seeing anything happen.
6. Always doing those same old, same old things the same way, expecting different results.
7. Few if any family members serving God
8. Subtle and slowly sin creeps into your life. You stop repenting.
Things that sit in the elements outside are subject to rusting, the very thing we breath oxygen initiates the rusting process in iron. But it is the common everyday things that cause rust. Just living in this world there is a lot of degeneration. Cars break down, things get old and break, this world wears everything down. Then to protect iron from rusting we need oil. If iron is coated with oil it will not rust. We need the oil of the Holy Spirit in our lives flowing everyday to keep us from getting rusty. Without oil we can get cranky. The healing oil will flow when we repent.
Repentance isn’t just for new believers; it is to keep all believers oiled with Holy Spirit so they will not get rusty. Sometimes we need a blast of super penetrating oil with rust inhibiting properties. This is Holy Spirit power moving through the Body of Christ to pray for breakthroughs and to be freshly refilled with the Holy Ghost! If you don’t repent the anointing of Holy Spirit will leave you. Not talking about your salvation now, this is when your life gets dead, boring, dry, cold, hopeless without the power of God flowing through you. But, you can get back the Holy Spirit anointing by repenting and turning form your sinful attitudes. Behold I stand at the door and knock. Revelation 3:19 God called you to do His work, that calling never changes no matter what decisions you make. You can get it back! Just repent and ask Jesus to re-baptized you in the Holy Spirt and fire! The gift and calling of God never change Romans 11:29.
Jesus is knocking on your hearts door. He wants you back in the ministry he has called you into. Revelation 3:20
Here is another principle to stay on fire for God. As Christians we are always praying for Revival. Which is not bad on the surface but when will this revival start?? One day when I was preaching at the Faith Miracle Rescue mission downtown Fargo, ND. The Lord spoke to me. Blair, stop praying for revival, stop and go out into the world with the anointing and fire of the Holy Spirit and Bring revival when ever you go! There is a time to pray and a time to Go. My people seem to like to just stay and not go. That was the biblical mandate, to take your zeal, passion, fire, exciting and spread it to everyone and be a first starter. Be a firebrand. Start Fires! You are the revival. I take revival wherever I go!
We need to change our theology and methods we have used for years and years and try something new! Isaiah 43:18,18 I will do a NEW thing.
Want fire? Stir up the gifts in each other. 2 Timothy 1:6 So simple this is Jesus 101 Holy Spirt anointing 101 Don say I am not called to ministry. We are all able minister of the Good News, not letter but Spirit the (letter, rule, laws) the letter KILLS but Spirit gives life, Fire. 2 Corinthians 3:6
There is no condemnation, no guilt, no shame is this message. God’s only intention is to give you truth so you can be healed, restored, receive fresh fire. The doctrine of the Priesthood of all believers.
This mean ever believer is a priest, is a pastor, is a minister an many different levels.
Who is Destiny Outreach Mission Base?
Mark 16:15 states it all believers are called to take the gospel into their communities. What most of the church is doing is simply going to meetings with other Christians. When do you every rub shoulder with people in the community? I want to share a few tag lines; sound bites God had given our team over the last few years. The key is in listening to the Holy Spirit.
He always had new ways of doing things. We must get out of our rusty thinking and be willing to let go of past and think creatively by the Holy Spirit. We must change our methods to reach the younger generations. Not compromising the message but receiving fresh revelation on how to do ministry. Creativity is the nature of God and His Holy Spirit.
Creating a culture of outreach.
Church without walls
The church has left the building
Outreach ministry to America
Answer the call and we will help mentor you
Connecting the church to the community.
Ministry Launchers
Releasing ministry into the community.
Ministry Builders
Tired of sitting on a pew waiting to start your ministry
Do something
Building a framework for ministry
Unconventional ministry
Something different every time
Fresh Fire
Specialized ministry training for everyday people
Christian with lose their joy and become depressed if they do not fulfill their calling. Nothing else will make them happy or fulfilled
Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision the people perish or another translation. Where there is no prophetic revelation (Fresh words) The people lose hope.
Be not sorry (don’t be depressed) The joy of the Lord is your strength Nehemiah 8:10 You will only have victory in fulfilling your calling. Don’t be afraid to be honest with God and share your short coming then give it to Jesus so he can set you free. Then you can be a anointed prophet with a word for today instead of a rusty sad prophet.
Destiny Outreach Mission Base
“The church has left the building”
Evangelists Blair and Jodi Hill
404 16th ST NE
Dilworth, Mn. 56529
Check out our book by Blair and Jodi Hill